Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Strange Happenings and Requests

Last night we received our strangest request ever. One of our investigators had a broken fan belt, 5 miles down the road, and wondered if I had some nylons he could borrow to fix it. He tied the ends together and wrapped it around all the gears, and low and behold, it started right off, whirring around the gears! Up in Idaho we always used bailing wire to fix things, but things are different here on the rez!

Saturday night we were again visited by cows in the middle of the night. They like to graze off the tops of my flowers and bushes, so Elder Wilcox has invested in a pellet gun to drive them off.

Two weeks ago a high school student stopped by needing a place to stay. His friends had dropped him off but he had no where to go. It's not our policy to run a motel, but we let him stay. We found out later that he hadn't even told his mom where he was, so she had to drive several hours to come get him; arriving at 1:30 in the AM. We found out from this that even LDS kids can stretch the truth.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Auction at Hubbell's May 10

Hubbell Trading Post has an annual auction of rugs, pottery, art etc. and we got to enjoy some of the great crafts last Saturday. We also enjoyed the Navajo Tacos and fry bread and mutton.
Later that afternoon we helped host a going away party for Sister Klepacz, who has been serving for two years on the rez and has developed a great nursing program during that time. Her impact will be felt for many years to come.

Mother's Day Aprons for Sr. Citizens

In addition to making cute baby quilts, our Ganado sisters also helped cut out and hem nearly 30 chef aprons for the Grandmothers at the Sr. Citizen Center. We took them over May 7, so they had them in time for Mother's Day. We did everything except the pockets, which the director wanted them to do. They had the best time doing this, and loved the aprons and were so appreciative of what the sisters in our branch had done. Sisters: Robrecht, Farrah and Shar Tososie, and Alta Wauneka came and helped with the activity.

Sewing workshop #3--Floating pinwheels

Sister Robrecht and her daughter completed this cute quilt in just a couple of days.

On May 2 and 3, I taught another sewing workshop with about 10 sisters coming. This pinwheel block was actually a little easier and faster than last months. Here are some of the results.

Surprise Party

There have only been a handful of times in my life when I was really surprised, and this was one of them. I thought Steve was hurrying back to go to a church meeting, an when I walked in it was a surprise birthday party the branch had pulled together for me. It was so thoughtful, fun, and special in so many ways. Yet another reason we love the people here in this branch.