Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Branch Presidency in Ganado

Life is full of surprises and new challenges. Sunday morning before church, Steve was called to be the new 1st counselor in our branch here. A two-year member of the church and former branch president from the Steamboat is the new president. His name is Erwin White and we've been teaching he and his wife the temple prep classes. He's a great man and has wonderful people skills. The Elders Quorum president, Brother Leroy Hardy is the new 2nd counselor. We've also gotten fairly well-acquainted with him and his large family.

The outgoing presidency consists of President Eugene Shorty, Kee Curley, and Patrick Preshlakai. They have been very good to work with and are really good men. We're sure they'll have plenty yet to do in the branch, as they have skills and wisdom we can all benefit from.

The Stake presidency (Dwaine Boone-center, Romero Brown, and Rudy Begay) were there for branch conference and delivered some powerful messages which should help us all as we work to build this branch so we can have a chapel addition. They also set apart the new presidency.

We're looking forward to working with them, and are hosting a get acquainted dinner party on Friday to help solidify the new presidency.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hike to Three Turkey Ruin April 12

Look closely and you can see our target destination--three turkeys painted on these pristine ruins. This was a wonderfully intact site, though most of the turkeys we saw were two legged ones, as we were hiking with a dozen young elders. Actually, they weren't turkeys; they took very good care of the 12 senior missionaries, making sure we didn't get lost on the trail and even rescuing a few who got slowed up by the climb.

Of course, the elders had plenty of energy for playing hackey sac both before and after the hike!

This shows the remains of an old hogan discovered along the trail. Corey Wauneka (our gem of a convert) joined us on the hike and had a great day getting acquainted with the elders. Here are our current favorite Ganado Elders: Kundis and Carlston with Sister Wilcox & Corey.

There was only one of the senior missionaries to go up to the ruin, Elder Eagan, and he came prepared with a stout cord for getting up. It was about a 3-4 miles hike and we saw some beautiful patina rock walls, as well as the ruins. We met afterwards for a potluck cookout in Chinle. A great day!! Then we rushed home to entertain and teach 11 people for home evening. When does the fun stop!

Steve leads the way through the canyon.

Gardening workshop

Brother Wilcox led a workshop on April 16, explaining steps in growing a garden, and different ways to water, including drip irrigation. We had a good turnout, and enjoyed dill pickles for refreshments!

Another Red Letter Day -- Corey Baptized!

After teaching Corey Wauneka and his mother for the past two months, we were so thrilled to see him enter the waters of baptism last Saturday. It has been such joy to teach both of these dear people. They knew the importance of prayer already, and believed in God, so they were ready to hear the message of the restored gospel. Cory also had carried a pocket New Testamen with him for the past 3 years, so he knew the scriptures were important. I can tell you from experience, those two things alone set him apart from most youth, not only here on the reservation, but probably most parts of the world.
Cory has attended church faithfully from the start and has learned a great deal. Alta has attended my sewing workshops and the Relief Society birthday party, but hasn't been to church yet. Her husband is only home on the weekends, so she felt she needed to do things with him. We are hopeful that with Brother Wauneka's job change, that it will allow her to attend church with Corey.
We really love this family! The are the salt of the earth.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mega Home Evening tonight

We found the perfect person for the branch activities leader--Evangeline Louis. She is so positive and outgoing!! We have been contacting her since last winter, but weren't able to get out to her place until the snow melted, and the mud dried. Since then we've been meeting with her family, and extended family. We told her last week, to plan to come over for home evening tonight, and invite her mom, and sisters and other relatives who live by her. She did just that, and also brought a friend of her husband's. Eleven people came. They helped make pizza, watched Book of Mormon Movie, and then played games. We had a great time.

Steve and I had been on a hike to Three Turkey ruins in Canyon De Chelley earlier, and were pretty tired when we got home, but we quickly revived as we didn't have time to rest. It has been a great day. We took one of our investigators, Corey Wauneka, with us. There were 12 elders, and 13 Sr. missionaries and him. Bro. Robrecht called on him to give the blessing and he did great! He'll be baptized April 26. He is a stellar young man.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ganado Easter Program

Using Sister Iverson as her inspiration, Sister Wilcox put together a special Easter Program for Sacrament meeting March 23. All the speaking parts were taken by branch members, and the script was enhanced by five special Easter songs. The singings groups came from the Elders, Relief Society, Primary, and Young Women, as well as the congregation. Now we know it can be done, we hope to orchestrate many future programs in the Branch.
We had a lovely Easter dinner with the Robrechts and their family visitors. It was great having grandkids around, even if they weren't ours.

Ganado & Steamboat Branch Relief Society Birthday Party

Nearly 25 sisters from the Ganado and Steamboat branches joined together for a combined celebration of the 166 anniversary of the Relief Society on March 19. The sisters of both branches willingly shared their testimonies and experiences in Relief Society. Afterwards they continued visiting and enjoyed a potluck salad buffet. It was the largest group of sisters to attend any activity we’ve had thus far. Our Ganado sisters also sang “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” at the Easter Program held March 23. They have been a faithful and spiritual support to the missionaries here.

Monthly Sr. Citizens Crafts

Sisters Robrecht and Wilcox have been doing craft activities at the Ganado Sr. Citizen Center twice a month. In March they helped nearly two dozen Senior Citizens make Easter bunnies and color decorations. This month they will be making bird mobiles. Who says that only little kids know how to have fun?!

Sisters Learn to Make Pinwheels

Nine sisters from the Ganado branch, plus three missionaries from Chinle, learned how to make a pieced pinwheel baby blanket. Sister Wilcox set up 3 different starting times to accommodate different work schedules on March 26. Several sisters, however, stayed most of the day.
Sister Nez, a beginning sewer, is hoping to learn how to sew well enough that she can use it for a home industry to earn money. Three of the sisters who came have been inactive for some time, but enjoyed the comraderie engendered at the all-day activity. One of the faithful participants in the workshops is an investigator who has developed a new skill. Sister Chung, an active member of the branch, helped as an assistant at the workshop, and then went on to teach the pattern steps to her extended family two weeks later. We think quilting may be addictive and is spreading.

Missionaries Promote FHE

Sensing that few, if any, families in our branch have been holding Family Home Evening, The Robrechts along with the young Elders and Wilcoxes in Ganado, orchestrated a very successful “Home Evening How To” Monday Evening March 30. Sister Robrecht dangled the carrot the previous Sunday by presenting the 5th Sunday lesson on the importance of Home Evening. She then organized 5 different stations which families attended on a rotating basis the next evening.
We were thrilled when nearly 40 people (about 10 families) showed up Monday evening for a hands on experience making organizer charts, treats, learning games and songs, and seeing a model lesson. We plan on doing a follow-up activity in June.